Another zombie starting its walk toward Houston

Zombie stations” is my phrase for low-power stations that exploit FCC rules to move from smaller towns into larger markets.

I’ve stumbled across another station that seems to be making moves toward Houston from an outlying area, in this case, Woodville, in Tyler County.

I present to you the evidence against KAHO-LD. (Note the similar call sign to KEHO, KQHO and KZHO, three zombies that have walked into Houston already. The station’s former call sign was K04QT-D; that was changed to the current KAHO-LD on October 7, 2011.)

KAHO is licensed to Hosanna Apostolic Ministries Broadcasting Corporation on channel 4. Their transmitter is currently listed as being on the Devers tower (sound familiar? It should). They were taken off the air in February 2011, saying “there is a need to take the station off the air temporarily in order to make use of the transmitter temporarily at another location in conjunction with another station.”

They have applied for a new transmitter location near Baytown, on an existing tower north of I-10 and east of SH-146.

Expect the FCC to grant this application, along with the inevitable next application to move to the JP Morgan Chase Tower downtown and change the city of license to Houston.

I ask the following: Has this station ever legitimately been on the air?

Posted on January 19, 2012, in Up and Down the Dial and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. This one, and the others you mention have never been seen over here in the Beaumont/Port Arthur area. I have been looking for them for months, ever since the sere granted their Licenses To Cover. They should be dealth with HARSHLY for falsifying government documents in my opinion…

  2. Shoot, I’m having trouble getting 11.1 CBS…………

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